Multi-Plate Intaglio Print.
I finally have a picture of this print! I Printed this back in December but now I finally have a good picture of it to upload. So, this print was addressing the issue of loyalty in life, more specifically brotherhood. I've always been interested in Greek mythology and the story of Patroclus and Achilles always stuck me as an amazing story of the importance of brotherhood. Basically, in the Trojan war Achilles is refusing to fight. Patroclus, who is like a brother to him asks if he can wear Achilles' armor in battle as it will boost morale for the troops and maybe be just what they need. Achilles allows this and tells Partoclus to merely fend off the enemy, and not pursue. Well that doesn't happen and Patroclus is killed by Hector. Upon discovering this Achilles basically goes nuts, gets his armor back, kills Hector, and desecrates his body. Achilles had been warned by Athena that if he went into battle he would not survive, so the decision the avenge Patroclus was also a death sentence for him. While it seems a bit brutal, I kinda get it, you don't mess with the dudes family. Anyway the figure in the print is supposed to be Achilles, immediately after finding Patroclus, that's him in the background. Achilles is real pissed and going to go, well lets just say wreak havoc. "We are nothing without brotherhood, and brotherhood is nothing without your brothers."
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