Intaglio Prints
18"x12" each
For this piece I set out with the goal of making three separate piece which could stand alone but when printed in a certain orientation would interact. I also like how this aspect of it can also sort of illustrate the process of printmaking. The linking imagery between all three prints is a neuron. This leads into the content, each plate represents a different aspect of Freuds theory of mind (Id, Ego, Superego) All three together were intended to create a type of self portrait.
Id: The red plate represents my id, which operates on the pleasure principle. It is impulsive and has no regard for others. I started with a simple line etch of the most impulsive line i could draw. Then for the value, sticking with the abstract, I tried

Ego: The green plate represents my ego, which operates on the reality principle. For this plate I took the concept that due to perception, the body makes it's reality. Especially with the setup of the eye, and due to lateral inhibition, which causes edges in the environment to actually be more clear than they are in reality. Therefor I made a line etch of box edges, and did a systematic stage bit for shading. you can thank lateral inhibition for your ability to detect the exact edge of each stage bite so easily. I decided to print in a green hue as this is the color closest to the average of all three color cone types in the retina.
Superego: The blue plate illustrates the superego, which operates on the moral principal. The superego is very systematic and logical. The line etch i did a simple strait forward (get it?) line etch, and for shading also used a technique which would give a strait and peaceful texture.

Badass Baby Nate! Love the interaction between the three prints. I like how you took the templates a step further being that they can stand alone or be printed as one.